About Us
Spring Meadows Hospital, New Delhi was initially started in 1983 by Mr. Naresh Juneja the hospital is located inside the heart of south Delhi. It’s a multispecialty 30 bedded hospital with major specialties under one roof such as obstetrics & gynecology(painless delivery and safe C-section), emergency care, internal medicine, IVF, otolaryngology (ENT), pediatrics, , psychiatry and clinical psychology,, physiotherapy and Rehab Centre, Neonatology(LEVEL2 NICU) .
Unit is highly equipped with advanced and latest technologies where we provide our patients with the world class facilities. Treating sick new borns and we do have NICU-LEVEL3 which is specialized in Developmental Supportive Care.
Highly medical professionals, paramedical staff are placed inside our unit compromising attitude that strives to provide affordable, accessible and quality care to all.